Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Just realized that I haven't blogged in almost 6 years

After attempting to follow several blogs and remembering that I tried to start one myself several years ago I finally remembered my username and password and which email address I had back then and finally logged in and realized how time flies when we are or are not having fun. So much has changed and now is not the time to go into great deal. So here is my checklist of things accomplished:
Masters Degree: yes
Baby: Yes
Career Change: No

Okay that is about it. Did I also mention we have had 2 snow days and tomorrow will be the 3rd and so going out of the house is practically impossible with a 9 month old in icy conditions. This may also have been the impetus for restarting old things like blogs. I hope to keep up with this but most likely it will too fall on by the way side. Although it seems most things fall in that way side category now a days. In fact my back bedroom in my house is almost completely wayside. Perhaps I should make a sign that says wayside and hang it on the door so that guests will not go in. Although it isn't a fraction of what a hoarders room looks like, it could easily become that. One of the few activities that has not gone by the way side is reading. I started a book today and am interested in at least reading a few pages before my allergy medicine kicks in full force and requires me to go into a coma. I am also not exactly sure of the direction of this blog, but perhaps it will include, where we travel, what I read, prayers and therefore what I believe and a few other things now and then. I am an undomestic although spell check is telling me that is not a word so this isn't a blog for recipes unless I am stealing them from someone else. Cleaning tips- because I generally hate to clean and would rather leave it for someone else unless I am in a bad mood. Yes I do clean when I am in a bad mood, because it gives me something to really focus my hate on besides what I am really mad about. I guess most of the stuff on here really isn't for anyone but myself, but if you are happening to read it please excuse the ramblings and lack of useful information.
Good night and God Bless


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