Saturday, July 30, 2011

Giving it a tri

Okay normally I don't post during the weekends, but tonight after a long day of laziness I decided to get up and get my run in.  I was so close to not working out tonight, but Friday is my day off training and I didn't really train too hard on Thursday it is just a walk day.  Tonight was the longest run I have done in several years, 40 minutes.  However I am so excited because I was able to follow the program which was a 7 minute walk warm up followed by 3 minute runs and 1 minute walks.  Basically I got in 3 miles including the 7 minute warm up in 38 minutes and was able to do over a 5K in 40 minutes.  I know that I will eventually have to do more running, in fact I think next week the schedule ups it to 4 minutes run 1 minute walk, but I think I will be ready. 
On Friday the hubby and baby and I went to the Dallas Museum of Nature and Science.  I was totally impressed with the kids area. It was much bigger then the FWMSH children's museum.  The museum seemed to be more interesting and interactive also.  It is smaller, but included in the cost of admissions was the Natural History museum next door. In it is mostly taxidermy animals which sounds creepy and kind of is, but the babe loved getting up close and personal to all the animals she was literally running from window to window.  Also this weekend they were opening a lego exhibit called cityscape, they were letting people peek in, but not go in. Overall it was a wonderful afternoon.  Then that evening we were able to meet up with the family and go to Yucatan Taco stand- muy yummy especially their plantains.  To end up a wonderful day we got yogurt at Menchie's and went to the apple store to play with the ipads.  
Okay here is randomness, but how many of you have heard of the Bubble Guppies?  You may have if you have kids or watch Nick Jr., but probably not many people. They certainly aren't in my radar of cartoons.  In my defense I found out they were a new show this spring.  My precious one came home from the babysitters early in the year saying bubble guppies practically before she was saying mama meaningfully.  So I investigated.  Although somewhat of a cheesy show with some educational content about- guppie children who go to school and sing.  The songs are contagious and I really want to download some of the songs especially the line up song to use in my classroom.  However they don't have them on itunes yet or even on Nick Jr. website.  We did purchase a few episodes for Ellie to watch on the ipod touch, so now we are both dancing and singing Bubble Guppies. 
I am reading a library book right now called Dog Handling which is pretty cute light summer reading, but as I blogged about a few weeks ago my library books are late.  And if that was it, I would owe a few dollars and chalk it up to library donations.  However, I checked out a dvd of animals and I can't find it anywhere.  I even dreamed the other night that I returned it, but I haven't. I checked.  I think my husband might have thrown it away along with the little one's first swim lesson certificate. How upsetting.  I even said to myself I shouldn't check this out, but I did and yes it did get lost. But I am going to get what I can out of my book and finish it so at least I can say the money was worth it. Happy Reading and Running!


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