Friday, October 07, 2011

I Finished!

I don't know why it took me so long to post this, but I finished.  With moderate success.  It took me 2 hours and 5 minutes.  5 minutes short of my goal, but I did finish.  That was my first and foremost goal. And... drum roll please... I wasn't the last one to cross the finish line.  One small thing I haven't yet mentioned I rolled my ankle on the first lap of the run.  I thought I would have to quit right there.  However after sitting on the ground for at least 5 minutes with people passing me by and offering help I tried to get up.  At first I simply limped to try and get to help.  However, by the time I reached help I was almost able to walk.  So I decided that I would try and finish.  After all I had already finished the majority of the race at that point. So I decided to do some jogging on and off.  I was super proud of myself.
My best event was swimming.  I ended up doing the swim in 8 minutes and 30 seconds.  The bicycle which I knew would be the hardest for me--- was.  With people passing me up it was difficult to not play mind games with myself.  However, I finished.  Now I am addicted and planning my next one next year.
Now onto fill my mind with something other then school.  Good thing holidays are coming up to keep me busy. I have to figure out a halloween costume for myself.  I also need to go shopping.
One thing I can also celebrate is it a 3 day weekend.  I am going to relax and get some fall cleaning done and rearrange my closet.  My smart daughter is saying more and more complete sentences.  Last night she was on a roll telling my husband.  I tired of water and other cute things.  It makes my heart proud I know that it may be normal.  But it is so cute that it warms my heart as a mother.
Tonight my husband is watching scary movies and I don't like to be around him when he does.  Even the music freaks me out.  I start playing stuff in my brain and have to get out of the room.  It isn't healthy for me.  I guess that I will fill my mind with thoughts about lesson plans, read a few chapters of a book and go to bed.  Goodnight!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Road Kill

Should I quit, the thought is in my brain firmly planted.  The race is this Saturday and I am in no way prepared for the race like I thought I would be.  In fact I may have regressed in the last couple of stressful weeks of school.  I haven't posted in a while because I have been avoiding telling any one that I really haven't been doing anything.   But I am going to try.  I have already paid my money and I am going to try. The worst it could be is that I have to stop and not do it or be the last over the finish line which may be a possibility at this point.  I really don't want to quit.  I want people there, but not to experience my demise.  I still don't even really understand how to fix a flat tire.  That would be the worst thing ever.  I think I would dump my bike at that juncture, throw it down and thumb a ride back in.  Oh how I really don't want to be road kill.  Please think of me as I am getting up super early to kill myself Sunday morning.  Pray for me.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Get a move on it!

Okay it has been a little while since I posted anything, but honestly it was almost a whole week that went by  and I really didn't work out.  However, perhaps that was what the doctor ordered because when I ran on Tuesday for my long run I was able to run almost the entire thing without much walking.  I was feeling pretty good at the end of it. My body was not actually begging me to stop which was a first.  Tonight I got to go on a bike ride with a couple of the girls that are going to be in the triathlon with me that I also work with.  I wasn't sure I was going to be able to keep up, but I did.  I was super excited that I seem to be on track with the others although the could have just been kind and going my speed. I wasn't even winded after the almost 12 mile ride in a few minutes over an hour.
All this being said it is a good thing I am feeling positive.  I got an email the other day from the triathlon people saying that if we haven't been training enough then we should quit and not participate because this is a serious event.  That was scary along with all the requirements of getting our bike checked etc.  I am nervous because my bike isn't the fanciest thing in the world.  However, it gets the job done.  I am afraid they will take one look at my bike and laugh at it. THe only thing I worry about is my chain coming off, which sometimes it does when it is switching gears.  That makes me nervous.  I am not sure if I will be able to fix it or not.  All I know is that after I received that letter I knew that I needed to get move on it and get back to action. And although completely scared, I know that I can finish the race.   Okay maybe I don't know, but I am still really hoping.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

On the run!

School has begun!  Grumble Grumble.  This week has proven even more difficult to get my workouts in although I should have expected it to be that way. After all it has been the same for the past 8 years.  My kids this year are of course adorable and also have the attention span of a fly.  Yesterday when I came home from school I decided that I hated everybody and everything.  I didn't like the food my husband cooked, or that there were no good books to settle down with, and that my legs felt like an 80 year olds.  Get the picture.  I decided to go to bed early so I got in bed at 9:30, but I grumbled until almost 11:30.  I was thinking to myself- I should have gone to work out and then I would probably have some happy endorphins and I wouldn't have been wasting my time laying there not sleeping with all the junk on my mind in my funk.
However, today was another story.  The kids were wonderful, we are starting to get into the swing of things.  I hope it lasts the rest of the year.  I am getting stressed out about the littlest things- for example we have a meeting tomorrow, which we have every Thursday, but we will have guests watching me run the meeting which makes me nervous.  While I was running tonight I heard the song by third day - that quotes "I lift mine eyes up to the hills where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth. I will praise you in this storm." This might be a storm in my life, but the Lord created me and this world and compared to some people this storm is really just a slight wind of change blowing.
Tonight I ran my 30 minute run- 2.5 miles- 6 minute runs 1 minute walks with a 5 minute warm up.  I was supposed to swim too, but I got out of the house late procrastinating that I was too tired.  I am on the run with the school year and I hope that my training still continues to run its course.  Tomorrow Jimmy and I are going bike riding and then I am going to follow it with a run for a brick.  I ran and swam last Friday, but that meant it had been 4 days.  It is hard to get back on track even from that little of time.
One thing that really inspired me also to go work out tonight was that my husband was looking back on pictures from our summer trip to Cozumel that we took in late June.  He said, "Man you have lost weight." I know that I haven't really lost any weight, but he said that my face has really slimmed down.  He doesn't give out compliments very often, so I know he wasn't just being nice.  It made me feel good and want to keep going with the triathlon training.  Why should the triathlon be horrible just because I am stressed and that makes it seem like everything else is going wrong. I think I definitely let my imagination go wild in my grumbling.  Please let the happy endorphins flow. Let my love for my students and teaching, and my daughter and my husband and family flow freely also and so I don't let my bad moods get the best of me.  I also know that I have many run-on sentences in this and that my words sounds strange and that grammar is incorrect, but I am tired and I am having to think like a kindergarten so the fact that I can write anything at all is pretty good. Good night and God Bless!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Meet the Teach

Tonight was meet the teacher night tonight at my school.  Generally I have about 6-7 kids and their parents come, but tonight I had record numbers 12 students came out of 18 currently on my list.  I have never had that many.  My room is almost ready.  I had to hide a few things behind my desk that I will hopefully get to quickly tomorrow and spend most of the day getting ready for the week next week.
After I got home I was exhausted, but I knew that I needed to go work out.  So off I went.  I did my 20 minute run 5 minute run 1 minute walk.  Then off I went to the pool I swam in under 10 minutes my 300 meters. I did it with such intent that I am sure that I might have forgot a 50 meter, but maybe not.
Saturday night I have my long run.  I am really getting scared about the run.  It is the last event and probably the most difficult after the long bike ride. I will do it.  I will do it.  I will do it.  That seems to be my motto for everything right now.  I will prevail.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The next Brick

It is hard to blog about running or training or for that matter even train because I am consumed right now with getting ready for school to start.  I know that I have only officially been back to school 2 days but I have been there from about 7:45 to about 7:00 both days.  Today I gave a presentation on Engagement Strategies with 2 other teachers to our staff- very stressful.  However, I enjoy doing it and I would like to think that it was successful.
I did do another brick workout this evening and I did work out a couple of evenings last week though I didn't blog about it.  This week starts only one day off a week from training which will be super tough.  However, if I stick with it now it will be a part of the routine that will hopefully stick through the school year.
The brick sort of worried me this evening.  I did a little over 8 miles on the bike in 30 and 1.7 miles in 20 run on the treadmill.  I began to doubt myself- can I really do this.   Then I think back to how far I have come already.  I still have 8 more training weeks potentially including this one.  I have to strengthen my mind and know that it is possible. I am not even half way though the training schedule.  It isn't easy.  I would love to sit and veg out on the couch, but I know that I have to keep going.  The more I say it the more I might believe it.
Another saving grace right now is that there is nothing on television right now.  So you think you can dance, which is my favorite show is over (Melanie Moore won yeah!)  Also the Duggar's show is over (yes I am addicted to 19 kids and counting,) and most of the other shows I dvr and watch in fast forward mode are not started yet.
I miss spending time with my little girl.  I get home late, play with her for a little bit (she usually has already eaten) and then put her to bed.  We are not potty training right now and many might argue that training a 15 month old is too early- but she has shown interest for the past several months.  Our doctor recommended getting a potty to play with, but not to push.  Jimmy and I decided that we would use the word bathroom for those matters. However, bathroom is too difficult for her too say, and she picked up on the word poo-poo. This may be TMI, but she says the word poo-poo and we let her sit on her play potty.  For the second night in a row she as said poo-poo and then gone #1 on the play potty or the regular potty.  We get so excited for her. How crazy is it that your life's excitements start involving those kind of things when you have children.
I have an early morning tomorrow, I must go to sleep, but I am out of books to read.  I might just have to pull out a favorite and reread.  Now I just have to find a book that I am willing to reread or it has been so long that I forgot I read it in the first place. There are very few books that I am willing to reread or interested in rereading. I don't know why, but I guess I like novelty.  Off to the shower and then to the bookshelf.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Fired Up!

Ran 3.25 miles in 40 minutes tonight.  I am super excited because that included my 5 minute warm-up.  It was way difficult though and I admit that although my schedule says run 4 walk 1 there were a couple of times I had to walk 2 or 1.5 just to regroup.  Also my ipod crashed in the first song.  I forgot to charge it up, but I thought it might have enough power for the run. That made it very difficult because I had nothing to concentrate on except the time.  The tv's in 24's are difficult to read the subtitles and run at the same time so they aren't much of a distraction.  Tomorrow I will swim and bike and perhaps do a mile run and see how it goes.  I am going to try and post more often this week to keep myself accountable.
Today I went to 2 great professional developments through the district.  One was for language arts and the other was for math.  I am fired up to teach this year!  I am hopeful that it will be a good year.  After the pd's I went to the school to work in my room since I still hadn't successfully finished even arranging the furniture after a week.  Tonight I must have arranged it at least 3 ways.  I am still not finished, but tomorrow I am going to try and knock out quite a bit.  I really want to get as much done as possible to have Friday as a fun day for darling and I since I won't get many more opportunities since I have to be back by next week.  I am fired up, but I need to wind down and sleep because sleep is also something that I will miss.  Love that letter zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Tri and keep up

Last week I started back working in my classroom, had professional developments, and tried to keep up with my triathlon training.  It didn't go so well.  I worked out on Sunday and Tuesday, but the rest of the week was a bust. I missed my Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday workouts  So tonight I got back on the path, the bike path at least.  I did my 10 miles tonight and it was a struggle. Mostly because the temperature here has been over 100 every day this week.  My in laws are putting in a pool and I am practically filling up the pool with my drool because I want to get in it already.  We went over there several days this week, namely Wednesday, Friday and Saturday (can you see why I didn't train?) to watch the pool go in.
On a somber note one of our teachers passed away this week and it has been a very emotional week- she was a light to many and made a huge impact on many lives.  In other words- lots of stuff is going on that is very draining that does not have to do with triathlon training.  However, it kind of was a good trial and error on adding other distractions to my life and still training the way I need to be training.
This year my classroom is transforming from monkeys to owls.  My grandma used to collect owls and she had them all over her house.  However, I am all about easy.  I try and set up bulletin boards with with paper that does not have to be changed all year and perhaps not even every year.  This year I am actually having to change out my paper.  I am a horrible paper putter upper.  I wrinkle it and tear it and end up having to do it many times.  I used to have my assistant do it and now she won't be back this year do to budget cuts in the district.  All this is very frustrating.  
In addition to not keeping up with triathlon training I didn't really keep up with my laundry either and now I will have to go take care of it before I go to bed.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Giving it a tri

Okay normally I don't post during the weekends, but tonight after a long day of laziness I decided to get up and get my run in.  I was so close to not working out tonight, but Friday is my day off training and I didn't really train too hard on Thursday it is just a walk day.  Tonight was the longest run I have done in several years, 40 minutes.  However I am so excited because I was able to follow the program which was a 7 minute walk warm up followed by 3 minute runs and 1 minute walks.  Basically I got in 3 miles including the 7 minute warm up in 38 minutes and was able to do over a 5K in 40 minutes.  I know that I will eventually have to do more running, in fact I think next week the schedule ups it to 4 minutes run 1 minute walk, but I think I will be ready. 
On Friday the hubby and baby and I went to the Dallas Museum of Nature and Science.  I was totally impressed with the kids area. It was much bigger then the FWMSH children's museum.  The museum seemed to be more interesting and interactive also.  It is smaller, but included in the cost of admissions was the Natural History museum next door. In it is mostly taxidermy animals which sounds creepy and kind of is, but the babe loved getting up close and personal to all the animals she was literally running from window to window.  Also this weekend they were opening a lego exhibit called cityscape, they were letting people peek in, but not go in. Overall it was a wonderful afternoon.  Then that evening we were able to meet up with the family and go to Yucatan Taco stand- muy yummy especially their plantains.  To end up a wonderful day we got yogurt at Menchie's and went to the apple store to play with the ipads.  
Okay here is randomness, but how many of you have heard of the Bubble Guppies?  You may have if you have kids or watch Nick Jr., but probably not many people. They certainly aren't in my radar of cartoons.  In my defense I found out they were a new show this spring.  My precious one came home from the babysitters early in the year saying bubble guppies practically before she was saying mama meaningfully.  So I investigated.  Although somewhat of a cheesy show with some educational content about- guppie children who go to school and sing.  The songs are contagious and I really want to download some of the songs especially the line up song to use in my classroom.  However they don't have them on itunes yet or even on Nick Jr. website.  We did purchase a few episodes for Ellie to watch on the ipod touch, so now we are both dancing and singing Bubble Guppies. 
I am reading a library book right now called Dog Handling which is pretty cute light summer reading, but as I blogged about a few weeks ago my library books are late.  And if that was it, I would owe a few dollars and chalk it up to library donations.  However, I checked out a dvd of animals and I can't find it anywhere.  I even dreamed the other night that I returned it, but I haven't. I checked.  I think my husband might have thrown it away along with the little one's first swim lesson certificate. How upsetting.  I even said to myself I shouldn't check this out, but I did and yes it did get lost. But I am going to get what I can out of my book and finish it so at least I can say the money was worth it. Happy Reading and Running!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Bricks are HEAVY

What is a brick?  Well, unbeknownst unto me before a month ago a brick is a bike then a run.  I really don't know how they got brick from that combo, but apparently it is important to train doing bricks because it prepares you for the transition from biking to running that happens in triathlons.  Tonight I did a 10 mile bike ride on the stationary at 24's - it took 39 minutes and then a 1.5 mile walk/ run in 20 minutes. That included a 5 minute walk warm up in between which I didn't think might be necessary, but I found out that it truly was for me tonight.  On other nights I have ran for longer and then done a shorter bike, but it was very different.  My legs took what seemed like twice as long to warm up and even then I couldn't run at my usual pace.  I can see why these bricks are important- they lay the foundation for success in triathlons.  Okay I know its cheesy, but when you are working out you have nothing better to occupy your mind then to think of cheesy sayings and to calculate the minutes you have left, the milage you went per minute and how long the actual race might take me.  Tonight the whole thing was an hour.
This past week I didn't follow my schedule as well. I still ran on Saturday night for 30 minutes doing 3 minute run 1 minute walk, but prior to that I only did a 8.5 mile bike ride on Wednesday.  I did still work out 4 times, but it was not exactly as planned.  I was also extremely tired this week it was like my body knew that it had to go back to work soon and was catching up on all the sleep it could before the school year started. 
On another note my husband had to discipline our little darling for his first time tonight.  She has been biting the wood on the back french door and has done more damage in the last couple of days then our dog had ever done for the last 7 years.  My husband told her to stop and she did.  But soon as she thought his back was turned she did it again.  I told him that he needed to discipline her so she wouldn't do it again.  He gave her a light tap and told her no and showed her the door and explained why not.  Her eyes welled and her lips puckered and it almost made me cry, which of course she was already in daddy's arms being held and kissed and told that we love her.  He said he never wanted to discipline her again.  It didn't take much that is for sure.  She is a kind and loving soul and I hope she never loses that curiosity, friendliness and over all obedient nature.  Thank you God every day for giving her to us to take care of and bring up as your child.
I want to do something really fun in these last couple of weeks with her, but I am running out of ideas.  I haven't yet done the Dallas museum of science and history, but I am not sure if it is as kid friendly as the FWM of Science and History and children's museum inside.  Would love suggestions.  

Monday, July 18, 2011


Sorta sad that the USA woman's soccer team lost the world cup.  However, they came so close!  My goals are not near as lofty or prestigious or even in the same category, but are none the less they are goals.  When I first signed up for the triathlon my goal was completion and believe me that is still my goal.  However the more I follow my 11 week training schedule from I realize that I should probably set time goals for each event and perhaps later an over all time in order to push myself.  I have been swimming the 300meters in under 15 minutes with no problems, but I don't know if I will be able to reduce that much so my goal for swimming is 13 minutes.  Next up is the biking.  I do not have biking muscles- I never went long distances on a bike or for that matter for long periods of time when I was younger. The best it got on my bike was around the driveway.  I still struggle with making turns some days.  So that is going to be my toughest event.  It is a 20K and currently according to my schedule I rode a little over 8 miles on Sunday on the bike in a little less then 50 minutes on some hilly terrain.  I am really hoping to get my time down to 58 minutes.  This is going to be very difficult for me because I really don't like to go fast- it scares me.  Since the path doesn't look as hilly I might have a hope. Then again I have to shave off quite a bit of time.  Finally my last goal is the last event-running.  Like I said in the last blog- I am not really even running a mile completely yet.  However, I am feeling stronger with my run and my goal is 35 minutes.  Tonight I ran/ walked 2.45 miles in 30 minutes.  I do have at least 11 more weeks before the actual event so it is possible.  Especially since I am more experienced with running although I have not done it in a while.  If I was going to make a realistic overall goal including transitions at this time I am hoping for right at 2 hours. That would be sooo awesome!   I hope these goals aren't too lofty because I have never had transitioned before in a realistic hurried setting.  The 2 hour goal leaves 14 minutes for transitions that seems like alot of time, but I will probably need every second.  I have only missed one session so far and I can't beat myself up for that I just have to keep on the road.  Literally.  Tomorrow night is another night of running and swimming and biking on Wednesday.  Hopefully I don't fizzle out.
The exercise has really helped me to shed some of my anxiety about other aspects of my life right now regarding what next year will look like.  I know that God will take care of me and lead me in the right direction.  Right now I pray for peace of mind regarding whatever God has in store for me.
I have goals for my personal life right now also to get back in God's word.  Hopefully I can set a realistic schedule for that and get going also.
Last week was a great week!  I met with a couple of friends and enjoyed the camaraderie that I often miss once school starts.  I also got to take the little cutsie to the Dallas Aquarium- she loved it!  Every time I go there is more to see and the only thing that upsets me in the well maintained well researched amazon jungle feel of the aquarium is the sad lone leopard in the small cage.  I really think that it needs a bigger home.  We also went to the zoo again on Friday- the monkeys were awake since we got there when it opened and swinging around and there was a baby monkey carrying a precious piece of cardboard as its treasure all around the enclosure.  The highlight for me though this time was the snow leopard whose enclosure is at least 5 times the size of that at the Dallas Aquarium was rubbing and pacing by the glass as usual, but this time I stuck out my hand and at first he pressed his face as hard as he could where my hand was by the glass like a cat would that wanted to be petted.  Then he did it again, stopped... and all of a sudden he reared back on his back legs and batted my hand from behind the glass and then my husband tried and he did the same thing.  I have never seen him do that before!  Animals are so interesting- when I am there it makes me go back to my 5 year old self and my desire to become a vet someday.  However,  I really do thing teaching is my field and I am where I am supposed to be at least for now.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Tri Crazy?!?

Okay it is no secret that I am not quite back to my pre-baby body even after a year.  So I decided to sign up for a triathlon. What?  Say that again!  Yes I signed up for a triathlon- oh it doesn't matter that I can't even run a full mile, or that I weigh more then I ever have before.  What is even worse is that I signed up for the triathlon back in early March. Don't you love procrastination!  This week I decided to get in gear.  So I decided to blog about it to keep my self accountable to my goal.  So far I have worked out 3 times this week so that is a pretty good sign.  I have a schedule for the next 11 weeks and it says that at the end of the training that I will be ready.  I am really hoping that is true and that you all don't get a notification that I died on October 2nd 2011.  Tonight Jimmy tried to teach me how to change my bicycle tire in case I get a flat during the event.  What?  I have to change my own tires?  I quit.  No not really, but it didn't help that during my lesson in changing my tire that Jimmy blew the first tube he put in.  I heard a big pop and I asked uhhh was that what I heard?  I am scared.  I really hope I don't get a flat because I am probably more likely to walk my bike the rest of the way.  At this point it is really frustrating because regular work out places really don't carry great work out attire/ gear for overweight people who want to work out.  Sure I can fit into some of the bigger sized clothing- but I hate anything tight on me when I work out.  So that usually means that I don't have proper gear.  I am hoping running in 100 plus degree weather will help take off some of these pounds that have made a home on my body.
In other news being at home this summer has been great with Ellie.  I have been able to have fun with her watching her discover and explore her world around her.  It is amazing to me how much personality she has and how interested she is in learning.  She is growing up so fast.  We have been to the zoo, fort worth museum of science and history, amon carter museum, cowgirl museum and library story times as well as swimming lessons earlier this summer before we all went to Cozumel, Mexico.  We stayed at the Iberostar Resort All Inclusive and loved it.  I finally wrote a review about it on Trip advisor.  I love to travel and what I love to do as much if not even more then traveling is planning my travel and helping other people travel and giving them tips and advise that I have learned.  Sometimes people ask for help and get much more then they bargain for, perhaps too much, but oh well.
The only problem is that I think about school way too much- I have worked on some stuff, but I am avoiding it by reading whatever I can get my hands on. Unfortunately I read too quickly and therefore my amazon bills have been high.  I had to start going to the library, but I am horrible at returning library books on time and usually end up paying in fees what I might have gotten it for at amazon.  I am always open for suggestions.  I have also been busy reading other teachers blogs which has put me in the mood to write more and create my own stuff.   Perhaps I will try my hand at putting my stuff out there and creating more stuff to share for other kinder teachers.  For now I am back to reading and tri-ing hard.  Workouts I have done:
Tuesday:  30 minutes walk/ run alternating minutes. 25 min. bike ride, 300 meter swim
Thursday: run/ walk 30 min.
Saturday: 30 min. walk/ run 20 min. walk
Tomorrow the plan is bike 5 miles/ swim 300.
Jimmy tells me it is cooler to run in the morning but I am an evening person and I can't function.  Night exercise has always been my thing.  Night blogging is also my thing. So Buenos Noches.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer with a 1 year old

Summer has officially begun in fact I am already celebrating week one and am relaxed enough to sit down and write. This summer is already so much different than last summer which I spent in a half daze from lack of sleep and sanity from talking to a non responsive infant. This summer the baby and I have enjoyed mommy and me swim lessons at the public pool, a visit to the Fort Worth museum of science and history to play. And have done more laundry than I would in a month at home. I have loved listening to her laughter and to her try and assert her independence at one year of age. But mostly I love cuddling, hugging and her eyes light up when she is proud of her self. School and kindergarten is far behind me. Or is it? I found out I am losing my principal and although I am sure the new one will be great I am of course nervous. This makes me think about school and next year although I am only one week out. I love summer as a teacher because it allows me to step back and think about the past year and what I will change for the year ahead. For now though I want to just enjoy life, naps, the pool and an always interesting and fun time with a one year old who probably is too smart for her own good.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Just realized that I haven't blogged in almost 6 years

After attempting to follow several blogs and remembering that I tried to start one myself several years ago I finally remembered my username and password and which email address I had back then and finally logged in and realized how time flies when we are or are not having fun. So much has changed and now is not the time to go into great deal. So here is my checklist of things accomplished:
Masters Degree: yes
Baby: Yes
Career Change: No

Okay that is about it. Did I also mention we have had 2 snow days and tomorrow will be the 3rd and so going out of the house is practically impossible with a 9 month old in icy conditions. This may also have been the impetus for restarting old things like blogs. I hope to keep up with this but most likely it will too fall on by the way side. Although it seems most things fall in that way side category now a days. In fact my back bedroom in my house is almost completely wayside. Perhaps I should make a sign that says wayside and hang it on the door so that guests will not go in. Although it isn't a fraction of what a hoarders room looks like, it could easily become that. One of the few activities that has not gone by the way side is reading. I started a book today and am interested in at least reading a few pages before my allergy medicine kicks in full force and requires me to go into a coma. I am also not exactly sure of the direction of this blog, but perhaps it will include, where we travel, what I read, prayers and therefore what I believe and a few other things now and then. I am an undomestic although spell check is telling me that is not a word so this isn't a blog for recipes unless I am stealing them from someone else. Cleaning tips- because I generally hate to clean and would rather leave it for someone else unless I am in a bad mood. Yes I do clean when I am in a bad mood, because it gives me something to really focus my hate on besides what I am really mad about. I guess most of the stuff on here really isn't for anyone but myself, but if you are happening to read it please excuse the ramblings and lack of useful information.
Good night and God Bless