Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Operation Amy

Lately I have been consumed with work.  This in itself is not much of a surprise.  I take my job as a teacher very seriously.  At the beginning of every year I over work myself and throw myself into my job way too much.  I am going to take my life back.  Starting tomorrow.  I am going to take care of myself.  I am going to take care of my house.  I am going to take better care of my family.  I am going to take care of my relationship with GOD first and foremost.  I am going to do things for me. I like  being the best at things.  I can't help it I have always liked being the best.  Unfortunately that means sacrifice.  But the times have changed, I want to be the best.  But I want to be the best I can be personally.  Where should I begin?  First I need a plan.  A plan for eating healthy, working out, time with God, time with my family and time with myself.  I need to get rid of some obligations that keep me from doing these things.  I realize many of my blogs start this way.  I have tried over and over to reinvent myself or start with a bang and keep chugging.  But this time I am aiming for sustainability.  I am aiming for well, what every working mom would like to have....
How do I get there? It will be an adventure.  Please pray for me along the journey.  They train is taking off and the destination is a better me.
I think I will start with my relationship with GOD, it seems to me that all things else will follow once my relationship with my creator is stronger.  One of the pastors at my church on Sunday was talking about the importance of spending time with the Creator.  How all labels good or bad will not "stick" and the importance of them will fade once you spend time with GOD.  My first goal along my journey is to pray.  It is as simple as that.  I need help, sometimes I am good, sometimes I just want to look good.  But most of the time I am a horrible prayer, not in the words that I use, but the lack of time in prayer.  Sure I pray before most dinners, and every night with my daughter before bed.  But I need prayer time beyond that just for simple discussion.  So that is goal number one.  I have a feeling that time in HIS word is not far behind.  Adios!