Wednesday, August 24, 2011

On the run!

School has begun!  Grumble Grumble.  This week has proven even more difficult to get my workouts in although I should have expected it to be that way. After all it has been the same for the past 8 years.  My kids this year are of course adorable and also have the attention span of a fly.  Yesterday when I came home from school I decided that I hated everybody and everything.  I didn't like the food my husband cooked, or that there were no good books to settle down with, and that my legs felt like an 80 year olds.  Get the picture.  I decided to go to bed early so I got in bed at 9:30, but I grumbled until almost 11:30.  I was thinking to myself- I should have gone to work out and then I would probably have some happy endorphins and I wouldn't have been wasting my time laying there not sleeping with all the junk on my mind in my funk.
However, today was another story.  The kids were wonderful, we are starting to get into the swing of things.  I hope it lasts the rest of the year.  I am getting stressed out about the littlest things- for example we have a meeting tomorrow, which we have every Thursday, but we will have guests watching me run the meeting which makes me nervous.  While I was running tonight I heard the song by third day - that quotes "I lift mine eyes up to the hills where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth. I will praise you in this storm." This might be a storm in my life, but the Lord created me and this world and compared to some people this storm is really just a slight wind of change blowing.
Tonight I ran my 30 minute run- 2.5 miles- 6 minute runs 1 minute walks with a 5 minute warm up.  I was supposed to swim too, but I got out of the house late procrastinating that I was too tired.  I am on the run with the school year and I hope that my training still continues to run its course.  Tomorrow Jimmy and I are going bike riding and then I am going to follow it with a run for a brick.  I ran and swam last Friday, but that meant it had been 4 days.  It is hard to get back on track even from that little of time.
One thing that really inspired me also to go work out tonight was that my husband was looking back on pictures from our summer trip to Cozumel that we took in late June.  He said, "Man you have lost weight." I know that I haven't really lost any weight, but he said that my face has really slimmed down.  He doesn't give out compliments very often, so I know he wasn't just being nice.  It made me feel good and want to keep going with the triathlon training.  Why should the triathlon be horrible just because I am stressed and that makes it seem like everything else is going wrong. I think I definitely let my imagination go wild in my grumbling.  Please let the happy endorphins flow. Let my love for my students and teaching, and my daughter and my husband and family flow freely also and so I don't let my bad moods get the best of me.  I also know that I have many run-on sentences in this and that my words sounds strange and that grammar is incorrect, but I am tired and I am having to think like a kindergarten so the fact that I can write anything at all is pretty good. Good night and God Bless!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Meet the Teach

Tonight was meet the teacher night tonight at my school.  Generally I have about 6-7 kids and their parents come, but tonight I had record numbers 12 students came out of 18 currently on my list.  I have never had that many.  My room is almost ready.  I had to hide a few things behind my desk that I will hopefully get to quickly tomorrow and spend most of the day getting ready for the week next week.
After I got home I was exhausted, but I knew that I needed to go work out.  So off I went.  I did my 20 minute run 5 minute run 1 minute walk.  Then off I went to the pool I swam in under 10 minutes my 300 meters. I did it with such intent that I am sure that I might have forgot a 50 meter, but maybe not.
Saturday night I have my long run.  I am really getting scared about the run.  It is the last event and probably the most difficult after the long bike ride. I will do it.  I will do it.  I will do it.  That seems to be my motto for everything right now.  I will prevail.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The next Brick

It is hard to blog about running or training or for that matter even train because I am consumed right now with getting ready for school to start.  I know that I have only officially been back to school 2 days but I have been there from about 7:45 to about 7:00 both days.  Today I gave a presentation on Engagement Strategies with 2 other teachers to our staff- very stressful.  However, I enjoy doing it and I would like to think that it was successful.
I did do another brick workout this evening and I did work out a couple of evenings last week though I didn't blog about it.  This week starts only one day off a week from training which will be super tough.  However, if I stick with it now it will be a part of the routine that will hopefully stick through the school year.
The brick sort of worried me this evening.  I did a little over 8 miles on the bike in 30 and 1.7 miles in 20 run on the treadmill.  I began to doubt myself- can I really do this.   Then I think back to how far I have come already.  I still have 8 more training weeks potentially including this one.  I have to strengthen my mind and know that it is possible. I am not even half way though the training schedule.  It isn't easy.  I would love to sit and veg out on the couch, but I know that I have to keep going.  The more I say it the more I might believe it.
Another saving grace right now is that there is nothing on television right now.  So you think you can dance, which is my favorite show is over (Melanie Moore won yeah!)  Also the Duggar's show is over (yes I am addicted to 19 kids and counting,) and most of the other shows I dvr and watch in fast forward mode are not started yet.
I miss spending time with my little girl.  I get home late, play with her for a little bit (she usually has already eaten) and then put her to bed.  We are not potty training right now and many might argue that training a 15 month old is too early- but she has shown interest for the past several months.  Our doctor recommended getting a potty to play with, but not to push.  Jimmy and I decided that we would use the word bathroom for those matters. However, bathroom is too difficult for her too say, and she picked up on the word poo-poo. This may be TMI, but she says the word poo-poo and we let her sit on her play potty.  For the second night in a row she as said poo-poo and then gone #1 on the play potty or the regular potty.  We get so excited for her. How crazy is it that your life's excitements start involving those kind of things when you have children.
I have an early morning tomorrow, I must go to sleep, but I am out of books to read.  I might just have to pull out a favorite and reread.  Now I just have to find a book that I am willing to reread or it has been so long that I forgot I read it in the first place. There are very few books that I am willing to reread or interested in rereading. I don't know why, but I guess I like novelty.  Off to the shower and then to the bookshelf.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Fired Up!

Ran 3.25 miles in 40 minutes tonight.  I am super excited because that included my 5 minute warm-up.  It was way difficult though and I admit that although my schedule says run 4 walk 1 there were a couple of times I had to walk 2 or 1.5 just to regroup.  Also my ipod crashed in the first song.  I forgot to charge it up, but I thought it might have enough power for the run. That made it very difficult because I had nothing to concentrate on except the time.  The tv's in 24's are difficult to read the subtitles and run at the same time so they aren't much of a distraction.  Tomorrow I will swim and bike and perhaps do a mile run and see how it goes.  I am going to try and post more often this week to keep myself accountable.
Today I went to 2 great professional developments through the district.  One was for language arts and the other was for math.  I am fired up to teach this year!  I am hopeful that it will be a good year.  After the pd's I went to the school to work in my room since I still hadn't successfully finished even arranging the furniture after a week.  Tonight I must have arranged it at least 3 ways.  I am still not finished, but tomorrow I am going to try and knock out quite a bit.  I really want to get as much done as possible to have Friday as a fun day for darling and I since I won't get many more opportunities since I have to be back by next week.  I am fired up, but I need to wind down and sleep because sleep is also something that I will miss.  Love that letter zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Tri and keep up

Last week I started back working in my classroom, had professional developments, and tried to keep up with my triathlon training.  It didn't go so well.  I worked out on Sunday and Tuesday, but the rest of the week was a bust. I missed my Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday workouts  So tonight I got back on the path, the bike path at least.  I did my 10 miles tonight and it was a struggle. Mostly because the temperature here has been over 100 every day this week.  My in laws are putting in a pool and I am practically filling up the pool with my drool because I want to get in it already.  We went over there several days this week, namely Wednesday, Friday and Saturday (can you see why I didn't train?) to watch the pool go in.
On a somber note one of our teachers passed away this week and it has been a very emotional week- she was a light to many and made a huge impact on many lives.  In other words- lots of stuff is going on that is very draining that does not have to do with triathlon training.  However, it kind of was a good trial and error on adding other distractions to my life and still training the way I need to be training.
This year my classroom is transforming from monkeys to owls.  My grandma used to collect owls and she had them all over her house.  However, I am all about easy.  I try and set up bulletin boards with with paper that does not have to be changed all year and perhaps not even every year.  This year I am actually having to change out my paper.  I am a horrible paper putter upper.  I wrinkle it and tear it and end up having to do it many times.  I used to have my assistant do it and now she won't be back this year do to budget cuts in the district.  All this is very frustrating.  
In addition to not keeping up with triathlon training I didn't really keep up with my laundry either and now I will have to go take care of it before I go to bed.