Saturday, July 07, 2012

A Good Name

I have several passions in my life.  They include teaching, learning, traveling, loving my family, and above all my Love for the Lord God.  I want my blog to reflect my passions. I have been experimenting with names and I can't seem to come up with one I really like. I also want to include my struggles- to get back on track as far as exercise.  Updates on my current house hunt and other important events in my life such as my father in laws current rehabilitation from Guilian Barre are also very important for me to include. I have thrown around a few names and I may keep switching names periodically to try them out.  
My father in law was accepted to go to Baylor Rehabilitation Hospital in Dallas for at least 3 weeks.  I hope that he is able to recover quickly and I pray that he stays positive.  I am going to try and make him a poster to hang on his wall that includes pictures of his travels and events since I have known him that he can post on his wall to hopefully give him some inspiration. 
I have been doing "school" with my daughter this summer and learning about letters and bible verses. We have been having fun and trying to learn our colors and letters.  I know that I should probably be working with numbers also.  She has even learned a few bible verses through some sites I found on pinterest including totschool.  I think the website is  I was confused about the name of the site until I saw that it represented the holy trinity- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in One.  The lady that runs the site has most of her stuff for free and it is a great mission.  It makes me want to use my gifts more to help others especially in the early childhood area.
Many times I don't have confidence in my abilities to help.  I get "shy" and think that I don't really know anything or why would someone want to listen to me.  
However, I do get compliments all the time about my daughter and how advanced she is for her age. Part of that I just attribute to genetics and general personality disposition.  However, other parts I attribute to her wonderful babysitter and maybe some of it is because of me and her dad actually working with her. 
I will try and post pictures of some of the things she (we) have made.  
Yesterday we went to Fossil Rim- my daughter enjoyed it, but when the animal occaionally stuck their heads in our windows she didn't like it.  I on the other hand got to feed deer, zebras and wait for it yes a giraffe.  I have gone a couple times before, but I have never gotten to feed one of the giraffes before.  I was super thrilled.  They also had a small petting zoo with mostly goats that the kids could pet, which my daughter loved.  It was hot, but we had a great day.  It doesn't look like travel is in our plans this summer because we are trying to find a new house, but I am trying to do everything I can with the family around the metroplex because I can't really do these things during the school year as much.  I hate that summer is on the down hill slide already. 
Tonight we may go to a drive in movie, but it seems pretty hot, so I am not so sure what the plans will actually, until then if you see several changes in the name of my blog it is the same old me chaning my mind as usual.


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