Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I am grumpy today.  It is probably from having to get up so early (both my dog and my daughter were asking me to get up several hours earlier then usual.)  I confess I was up late looking at pinterest and other websites.  I think sometimes I make up for my lack of television viewing capabilities by being obsessed with the Internet.  However, I was also creating some things that I had found on pinterest and was putting my own spin on them for my classroom.  I made a morning routine chart that I am going to put up. I also made a who picks up thing for my classroom.
However I am also grumpy knowing that my vacation is almost over and that now I have to constantly hear how little money we have after going to San Antonio this past weekend.  In addition, I came back from vacation and my dog was "not right" so I took her to the vet and they thought that she had a hurt neck or back and so they took some x rays.  Bad news is that they think she might have a chip from her spinal cord on one vertebrae.  We have to kennel her and give her medicine every 8 hours.  I feel sorry for her in the kennel crate.  She wants to get out and be with the family, but the doc said to restrict her movement.  Now you know that the vet bill is also not cheap, pretty much the same cost as our vacation.  Therefore, I officially get to hear how little money we have saved this month and how our new house is going to wipe us out so I absolutely can't spend any money.  It is hard because teacher supply places are having sales and I usually like to get myself some back to school things.
The lack of ability to shop makes me more grumpy.
I also would like to run tonight, but I am admittedly kind of scared to go running in the country more so then I am scared of running in a city.  In the country if you hurt yourself on your run you can't crawl up to the nearest place and get help.  I might be stuck out there until morning and since I am a night person my husband will probably just think I am up on the Internet again.  Also I know there are coyotes out here and snakes like to crawl up on the road and night.  These things are out here during the day, but it is way to hot and I don't like to run in the morning.
I take my dog back tomorrow to see how she is doing.  I am praying the blood tests all came back normal and that she looks like she is in better condition and healing.
This grouch is going to bed so I don't have another morning like I did today.


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