Thursday, August 18, 2011

Meet the Teach

Tonight was meet the teacher night tonight at my school.  Generally I have about 6-7 kids and their parents come, but tonight I had record numbers 12 students came out of 18 currently on my list.  I have never had that many.  My room is almost ready.  I had to hide a few things behind my desk that I will hopefully get to quickly tomorrow and spend most of the day getting ready for the week next week.
After I got home I was exhausted, but I knew that I needed to go work out.  So off I went.  I did my 20 minute run 5 minute run 1 minute walk.  Then off I went to the pool I swam in under 10 minutes my 300 meters. I did it with such intent that I am sure that I might have forgot a 50 meter, but maybe not.
Saturday night I have my long run.  I am really getting scared about the run.  It is the last event and probably the most difficult after the long bike ride. I will do it.  I will do it.  I will do it.  That seems to be my motto for everything right now.  I will prevail.


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